
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Piwakawaka visits their big buddies!

We are working with some children from Waikowhai Intermediate School to help improve our writing.  We have great fun with lots of learning on the way.  Today we were lucky enough to visit Waikowhai Intermediate with our big buddies.  They came and picked us up from school, and we walked down together.  We got to play on TWO playgrounds, have a special morning tea and read books with our buddies.  During this time we were talking, talking, talking and building relationships.  All of this is a great motivation for our writing as well as a chance to build some important friendships.






  1. What an awesome day. No wonder D-R was so excited about it the night before.

  2. Talofa lava Rumaisa and Liyanah it's me Claire,
    I really enjoyed all the fun activities we had with you guys yesterday, I also really loved communicating with you a lot. We're really looking forward to seeing you guys next term.

    Kind regards,

  3. Talofa lava, Namaste, Kia ora, Malo lei lei, Bula vinaka
    Hello to all our Waikowhai Intermediate buddies.
    We have such a great time visiting you on Thursday. We wrote some sentences about what we loved doing and how we felt. We have been trying to use 'WOW' words in our writing. We are also in the middle of writing a big book about our visit with you. We can't wait to share that with you.
    Here are some of our sentences:
    I loved playing basketball, I jumped so high and the ball went it in.
    I went so high on the swing, I nearly touched the sky.
    I was scared to go on the pole, but my buddy helped me and I did it.
    I zoomed down the slide, I loved it.
    We could see the sky tower, it was standing straight like a soldier.

    We have lots more to share with you.
    Have a great week.
    Love Piwakawaka

    1. Hi Liukovi and Brooke.
      I really enjoyed getting to show you around my school and getting to do some fun activities. I look forward to hearing all your "WOW" words. What was your favourite part of your trip?

      Kind regards,

    2. Hi Honor and Danielle.
      I really enjoyed having you at my school to show you around!.
      I hope you liked meeting all my friends,playing basketball and especially eating the yummy snacks!.
      Your wow words look amazing keep up the good work!.
      Cant wait to see you next term!
      - Edenn

  4. Hi Eliza
    It's me Primrose from Waikowhai Intermediate
    I really enjoyed seeing you guys have so much fun and play around, and I hope you had as much fun as I did.
    I hope next time I can introduce you to more of my peers and get to know them.
    Do you want to come back to our school again?
    From Primrose

  5. Hi Devonte,
    It is Francis and I liked when you guys came over to our school and I also was surprised of how fast you were able to rap. Next time I was hoping if you could rap in front of my class because my teacher was so amused when I told her that you were able to rap as fast as Flash. I was wondering if you wanted to come back?
    Yours Sincerely Francis

  6. Kia Ora Rumaisa and Liyanah it's me Claire,
    How has your week been writing with your wonderful WOW words?
    I'm still thinking about how much fun we had when you guys came over last week. I really like how descriptive your writing was especially when you add your fantastic WOW words.
    I'm very excited about seeing you guys next time,

    Kind Regards,

  7. Hi Quentin & Dante it's me Taylor,
    We had such a exciting time doing all the fun activities with you guys. I really enjoyed having you guys here with me, it was so fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how many "WOW" words I can find in your sentences. Can't wait to see you guys next term. What was your favourite activity?

    Kind regards,


  8. Hello there,
    Even though I was away I am very excited to read your sentences and hear all about your cool activities you did.
    I think yous should come down to our school and visit more.
    What was your favourite thing to do when you came over here?


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