
Friday, August 24, 2018

You will never guess....

Have a look at our slideshow.  You will never guess what happened at school yesterday...


  1. miss lane thats the best slide show

  2. Malo e Lelei Room 3. Lavinia here from Hauraki. I really like how you drew pictures and then wrote about it. What you could work on or add next time is, you could add a little reflection about whether it was fun, hard or easy.
    Other than that, well done!!! If you would like to see my blog, here is the link. Please feel free to leave a comment or some feedback for me. I can't wait to see more of your work. Keep It Up!!!
    Catch Ya Later Bloggers

  3. Hi room 3, its Noah here from Waitemata. This is such a cool Post. I really liked the pictures you drew, they are awesome. I also thought the writing you wrote about them was so funny. They made me laugh. Could you tell me a little more ( what did you do to make them, was it hard?) Otherwise this was a really cool post.I can't wait for the next one. Come have a look at my blog
    Blog u later!

  4. Hi room 3, my name Is Nikhil and I am in room Waitamata.I liked your post, it was really funny. I liked the one where Dave cooked coockies with bugs inside them. Maybe next time you could make the text stand out more.Blog you later

  5. Hello Room Three I'm Clara, and I am in Room Manukau. I really like how you drew your pictures, I thought they were very pretty and creative. This reminded me of when I made a blog post about explaining where I was without naming the place I was in, when people finished reading my post they would comment and guess where I was. Maybe next time you could change the colour or the font of the hand-writing so then people can read it properly. If you would like to see my blog it is


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