We started Get Set Go in week 1, learning how to balance, move and throw.
Cybersmart also started and we're adding to our super internet knowledge and how to be safe smart users on the net.
Constable Cyrus came in to make sure we are 'Stepping out' and crossing the road safely.
AND, we've even had the Tread Lightly caravan in teaching how to be environmentally friendly, sustainable, planting little learners.
Mrs Simpson and Ms McGrath are making sure we continue to be 'Respectful' Waikowhai citizens too!
We also welcome some new students. Taufa, Tyler, Deezhanay and Locarno have moved in with us from Room 1, and Ayana has come from overseas.
Here are some pics showing you all the fun we have been having!
Well Room Three - aren't we lucky to have all of these exciting things happening? Of course, there are many more exciting things to come....Athletics Day and our Celebration Gala Day are just two of the events happening soon at Waikowhai. Miss Lane would be very proud of the way you have helped Mrs Simpson and I to know the routines in Room Three. Thanks everyone, let's continue to have a wonderful Term Four!